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November 30, 2008


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I honestly believe that He believes in me MUCH more than I do myself. He knows my potential when I refuse to unlock it for fear of failure.

I'm sure He often feels frustrated with me.



When I read this phrase I had neither a negative or positive reaction. Number one, I didn't hear the intonation of the voice as it was being said. That would feed me a lot more if I had heard it being said.

Thus, my mind imagines different scenarios and different tones of voice and different contexts for the phrase. Here are a few I could envision:

1. I could see someone making the statement as an obvious affirmation of his belief in God. For instance, a teacher (Seminary, Sunday school,Pastor, etc.)making this statement would have an entirely different context than # 2(below)

2. I, of course, could see a non-believer who has no relationship with God making the same statement with an obvious amount of uncertainty of God's existence and/or His priorities (protraying a state of hopelessness) .

3. Then, of course, I could also see an "un"-believer who is actually quite resentful of God or a particular society's view of God who is making the statement as more of a confrontational challenge to whomever he is speaking.

I'm sure there can be other scenarios. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on what you saw/heard!

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