When I was younger I played a couple of sports.
I wasn't "great" at any of them, but I was decent enough to have a future in college athletics if I worked hard enough.
Somewhere between my junior and senior year in high school, I sprained my ankle while playing either basketball or soccer. (I can't quite remember). I remember my ankle swelling up to the size of a baseball. It was quite tender to the touch.
For a week or so, I was on crutches. Although it was only a slight sprain, my doctor insisted I stay off of it for at least a week. At home I hobbled and hopped around, but at school, crutches were my only option.
Today I thought about those crutches. I can remember how strange it felt to try and walk on my own after I'd gotten used to the crutches. I had nothing to lean on, and pressing down too hard, too quick, sent a throbbing pain through my foot and up my leg. It was uncomfortable.
For the last few days I've been uncomfortable.
Something unexpected happened in my life on Friday that sent my emotions into a whirlwind, let alone the effects on my physical body. The last few weeks I'd experienced a renewing and heightening of my faith in God. I was riding high.
But just like that day when I was hurt unexpectedly in the "prime" of my "career" (and I say that very lightly) in athletics, this trial came upon me, literally like a flood.
It brought back a flood of tears, emotions, and even fears.
But this time, things were different.
No one knew what I was going through, so there was no one there to help.
And those who did know were busy with their own problems, and couldnt help me.
My husband was swamped at work.
My sister was sick with laryngitis and was thousands of miles away.
My friends were vacationing and enjoying themselves.
All that was left was me and God.
No more crutches.
The last few days have been rough. But I've realized people and things can never fill the natural void inside of me that only God can fill. People can only be human, and things fade away. But God; He never changes or fails.
It's been hard. It's been uncomfortable. But I'm learning to walk without crutches.
Are you too dependent on your family or friends when it comes to life's trials?
This is me in real life, Kelli.