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July 22, 2008


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I recently fell in love with the translation i'm reading too. It really does make all of the difference...suddenly the words are jumping off of the page at me!


Thank you so much...thanks for taking the time for that message.
Brody's mom


Like you, I love the King James Version. I guess that's why my Bible is the Amplified; it's the King James explained!


Stop by my blog. I have something for you.


Stop by my blog. I have something for you.


Stop by my blog. I have something for you.


i'm a fan of the NASB - but it can get a little choppy in places.
my church uses the ESV, so i always have one of those on hand sunday mornings.

Alastair Vance

NKJV mostly. Most check out the ESV!

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